Wednesday, May 04, 2011

lamb races have begun

Yes, we have achieved lamb races. It's a time when I pass the window and laugh. There is nothing as cute as a bunch of day's old lambs kicking up their heels. Yesterday I let Donna and her two boys out in the morning. In about an hour, I found Donna and the lambs hiding in the barn. The little cry-baby had totally forgotten who his mother was, and was running round and round baaing. I didn't have much hope for that outcome. I locked the three-some into a jug for the next 6 hours. Then let them out again. Minutes later they were off!
The two new lambs led the race from one end of the pasture to the barn and then up on the three foot round hay bale. Kicking as only new lambs can, all four hoofs in the bottle baby turned and twisted in the air jumping from the hay bale with the others. Oh My!!!!
They will break a leg for sure. I had to roll the bale outside in the rain to allow a full fence panel against the remaining bales. I have lost many new borns in-between hay bales. They stumble forward, but can't turn or back out. I have two lambs waiting in a pen for their turn outside today. Then on to last group....maybe thay can all get outside.
I believe lambing at Meadowwoods started and ended with the rains. Last count, 7 rams.....five ewes.....all live!
Hurray.....last year we had twins.....the year before, perhaps 4....I guess it takes a half dozen lambs to make a good lamb race. Looking forward to them....but maybe I should move that hay bale?
I heard some nutty globalists were offended by chants of USA
I'm happy to add my voice......USA...USA...USA !!!!!


At 5:09 AM, Blogger Kara said...

Storm on news...are you okay? Are you near Joplin? Stay safe.

At 6:07 PM, Blogger Elaine said...

Hello! I found your blog while I was looking for Shetland sheep. Do you happen to have any for sale?

At 1:04 PM, Blogger Pat Dolan said...

HaHaHaHa! Elaine wants Shetland sheep - hooray for BoPeep, YES, she has lambs for sale!
How are you faring through the wind, rains, wild and wooly weather, dear friend? How is your honey? We're thinking of going back for the high school reunion in October - lets say we meet up there... for old time sake? The "boys" can hang together while we chat with the gals!

Love you!


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