Thursday, April 26, 2007

new lambs

Bottom photo is yuglet flecket ram lamb, Cherub,
photo of twin ewe lambs yuglet flecket AgAa ivory and pearl, standing hst is Lone Ranger, notice his legs.... he is from the line that produces polka dots on the front feet and spats/shoes on the back, Little ewe lamb laying next to her mom is a lovely yuglet sokket, My Fair Lady.
Top photos, Shortcake, yugler flecket ewe lamb, mostly white. and a new yuglet flecket ram lamb, Sundae, note.... he has unusually small scattered black dots on his topside. The twin Ag girls are mine, everyone else is AaAa and SsSs, and they are for sale.

In case you were worried about me. I have had a few more lambs. I took a few more photos.


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