time out
I'm sorry, I need bigger print...I don't want to need glasses to read what I wrote.
Some of you are so kind to read my stupid blogs, and to comment too. Thank you.
Sometimes we need communication.
When I was in the farm belt of wisconsin, we had our spinning group...we all said what we thought and gave advise...even if it wasn't wanted. It provided family for those of us with little support in the community....and companionship. What nice friends you can find among sheep people. I highly recommend finding some.
I remember one morning when I had a difficult birthing problem in my barn....in a half an hour I had five or six friends all with their lambing books gathered around the ewe trying to find a way to help her. Finally, one of them turned to me and said when are you calling the vet? Now those were days when I maybe had 11 sheep all together....so one ewe birthing was a big deal. One of my friends even drove to the vets office to be there with me. My older ewe had ring-womb....ever heard of it? She also had my first C-section that day...of course the lamb died...but the ewe was fine. Really ticked off the vet.
Our spinning group was called Hot Babes with Wheels. The name really drew hits on our web page. If you go to the Lake elmo fiber fair....some of those ladies are still there. I don't have a support group down here in the Ozarks. I think the yahoo lists and my blog provide me with support....sometimes just a way to communicate with the outside world. Don't get me wrong, Sometimes I like communication....sometimes I want to hide in the woods. Fortunately I am close enough to the woods on those days that I just want to walk out with my sheep and hide.
Having a ewe walk across the field to nuzzel you and get a pet is very comforting. Those sheep are very wise. I fell over a rock one day last winter....and had my own little group of ewes standing around to see if I would get back up....after all that yelling. Funny to roll over and find all those soft eyes staring down at you. Have you ever looked at your ewes eyes?....they have big long eyelashes and they are differnt colors...depending on the sheep.
You know I am finding this time of the year that some of the skittish ewe lambs are spending time looking at me. Mom is getting petted by that big person who catches me and puts ishy stuff in my mouth....I had one this morning....she kept getting closer, and when I reached my hand over to her ears...she didn't pull away...after a while she wagged her tail as if to say....you're not so bad after all.
I had the ewes and lambs out on the sahara today. There were dogs barking in the woods when we left for a trip to the flea market....so I figured the sheep would be safer up front. Our great pyr was settling down for her all day nap. She and I were up several times last night. She hadn't been barking at anything for a long time...and the last two nights she has been running the fences....When I go out with a flashlight she feels safe enough to jump over the fence and go off to find whatever is bothering her. Then I stay until she comes back over the fence again. She doesn't know that I would be little help if she really had a fight. I figured I wasn't sleeping anyway, I might as well help her out.
I may put the sheep back out in the meadow tomorrow. But it is holy dog running day around here...so there may be dogs in the woods again. I had to let my two rams in with my one ram today....I walked out with some water and saw that the two ram side of the pen didn't have any grass left. The water in the ram dam side.....hey that is kind of a funny thing to say....I could turn it around ...no I had better not....we have a dam in the ram pen. We get so much run-off from the road that it fills with three or four feet of water and then runs over the top. Well, we haven't had much rain this summer. so the rain water that stayed in the dam pond....there I go again....made grass grow....but the side that the other two rams were in didn't have the ram pond in it....I know you don't care what I am writing....it's all silly....but the fact that they no longer had food caused me to open the gate. Now we all know what happens when you let rams in with each other...even if they have been on speaking terms thru the fence. We get a ram fight. I guess the two boys got their fill of grass then proceeded to beat up the single boy. No one seems to have broken their horns...and no one was dead....so we dodged that bullet. We brought them hay tonight...I suppose they are fighting over that now too.
Well I hope you all have pleasant dreams tonight and solve all your questions while you are asleep....I hope I do too.
I'll be so wise tomorrow that I will write something as wise as the sheep would if they had a computer. OK, so I didn't get much sleep.
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